The Human Centipede
2010-09-06 / 18:11:08
Har hittat en film som verkar skit bra, den heter The Human Centipede och då e det en "galen (han e tysk) professor" som är expert på att separera siamesiska Tvillingar, vilket han sedan tröttnar på och vill operera ihop människor istället till en mänsklig tusenfoting, då han opererar ihop mun mot anus.

(notera att det står 100% medically accurate!!!!!)
min favorit "quote" (glömde vad det hette på svenska xD) :
Dr.Heiter: I'll explain this spectacular operation only once. We start with cutting the ligamentum patella, the ligaments of the kneecaps, so knee extension is no longer possible. Pulling from "B" and "C" the central incisors, lateral incisors and canines from the upper and lower jaws, the lips from "B" and "C," and the anus of "A" and "B," are cut circular along the border between skin and mucosa, the mucus cutaneous zone. Two pedicelated grafts are prepared and lifted from the underlying tissue. The shaped incisions below the chins of "B" and "C" up to their cheeks connecting the circular mucosa and skin parts of anus and mouth, from "A" to "B," and "B" to "C," connecting the pedicelated grafts to the chin-cheek incisions from "A" to "B," and "B" to "C," creating a Siamese triplet, connected via the gastric system. Ingestion by A, passing through B, to the excretion of C. The human centipede, first sequence.
(har dock inte sett filmen, har kollat quotes på, men vill jättegärna se den ;P)

(notera att det står 100% medically accurate!!!!!)
min favorit "quote" (glömde vad det hette på svenska xD) :
Dr.Heiter: I'll explain this spectacular operation only once. We start with cutting the ligamentum patella, the ligaments of the kneecaps, so knee extension is no longer possible. Pulling from "B" and "C" the central incisors, lateral incisors and canines from the upper and lower jaws, the lips from "B" and "C," and the anus of "A" and "B," are cut circular along the border between skin and mucosa, the mucus cutaneous zone. Two pedicelated grafts are prepared and lifted from the underlying tissue. The shaped incisions below the chins of "B" and "C" up to their cheeks connecting the circular mucosa and skin parts of anus and mouth, from "A" to "B," and "B" to "C," connecting the pedicelated grafts to the chin-cheek incisions from "A" to "B," and "B" to "C," creating a Siamese triplet, connected via the gastric system. Ingestion by A, passing through B, to the excretion of C. The human centipede, first sequence.
(har dock inte sett filmen, har kollat quotes på, men vill jättegärna se den ;P)